Kubernetes: what it is, and everything you need to know about it

Why choose Kubernetes?

In this article we talk about Kubernetes, the open-source platform that is used to manage workloads and containerised services.

Its name comes from the Greek for “pilot” or “helmsman”. This helps us understand how useful this tool is for managing workloads and automatic container management. Its main selling points, such as its wide range of features and its portability between different Cloud providers, have contributed to its popularity and it is now used by developers all over the world.


How Docker Repository works

If you have looked into Docker, you will have heard about the Docker Repository and may have wondered what it is. Make yourself comfortable as we explain everything in detail in this mini guide.

A Docker repository is a container that contains one or more Docker images relating to a particular piece of software or project. Why are there multiple Docker images if the software is the same? Because you can have multiple versions of a piece of software.

Each time the software developer releases a new version, it creates a new Docker Image, with the same name, but with a different version number. This image is then published in the same repository.


How to install Docker on Windows

Windows is perhaps the operating system that requires more attention when installing Docker. There are some prerequisites that need to be taken into consideration.


Supported Windows versions

Before installing Docker for Windows make sure you have a compatible version of Windows. Currently the supported versions are: Windows 10 64-bit: Home, Pro, Enterprise, or Education, version 1903 (Build 18362 or higher).

Windows Subsystem for Linux

As described in the official Docker documentation, you need to install the “Windows Subsystem for Linux” before installing Docker on Windows.


How Docker works: structure and functioning

In recent years, Docker has earned an important place in the daily lives of developers. Let’s go take an overview of this tool and find out how Docker works behind the scenes.

Features of Docker

One of the most important features Docker offers is instant startup time. A Docker container can be started in a fraction of the minimum time. This is a very fast action that is incomparable with the minutes it takes to start a virtual machine.

Docker uses the features of the Linux kernel for booting and interacting with containers. Due to this dependence on the Linux kernel, when Docker is run on other systems, such as MacOs, an additional layer of virtualisation is started, which is normally “masked” by Docker for Mac (as a user, you will not notice the difference, except in terms of speed). (more…)

How to use Docker Compose

Docker Compose is one of the most useful tools for developers and sysadmins. In fact, most IT jobs require knowledge of Docker and Docker Compose. Knowing how to use these technologies will undoubtedly be an advantage in continuing your career.

What is Docker compose?

In a nutshell, Docker Compose is a tool that allows you to manage multiple Docker containers. Do you remember micro-services, i.e. the concept of dividing a web application into different services? Well, these services run in individual containers that must be managed and must be configured to communicate with each other. Docker compose allows you to do just that. (more…)

How to create a container with Docker

Let’s continue with our guides dedicated to Docker. Today we’ll take a detailed look at a topic that is really fundamental for anyone involved in web development: Docker containers.

A container is the running instance of an application in an isolated environment that is dynamically allocated resources to run. Inside it, the container has the application to run and everything it needs: runtime, libraries, configuration, etc.

What is the difference between an image and a container?

A docker image is a static package containing all the resources necessary to run an application. (more…)

How to create an optimal Docker environment

In order to develop software, it is necessary to have a local environment with all the available services needed to run the application being developed correctly.

For example, if you are developing a web application with Symfony, you will need to have a webserver such as Apache or Nginx, a PHP interpreter and probably a database on which to save data, such as Postgre or MySql. (more…)