Come installare la Windows Server Essentials Dashboard

Windows Server Essentials Dashboard è un interessante strumento che facilita la gestione del Dominio Active Directory. Una volta questa funzione era implementata solo per Windows Server SBS, mentre ora è possibile installarla su ogni Windows Server 2012 o 2012 R2.

Il processo di installazione prevede l’aggiunta di un ruolo. La procedura è piuttosto facile.

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How to install the Windows Server Essentials Dashboard

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How to install the Windows Server Essentials Dashboard

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How to install the Windows Server Essentials Dashboard

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How to install the Windows Server Essentials Dashboard

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How to install the Windows Server Essentials Dashboard

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How to install the Windows Server Essentials Dashboard

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How to install the Windows Server Essentials Dashboard

Il sistema installerà  IIS se non presente:

How to install the Windows Server Essentials Dashboard

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How to install the Windows Server Essentials Dashboard

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How to install the Windows Server Essentials Dashboard

Verrà  visualizzato un avviso dopo il completamento dell’installazione del ruolo. Cliccate Configure Windows Server Essentials:

How to install the Windows Server Essentials Dashboard


How to install the Windows Server Essentials Dashboard

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How to install the Windows Server Essentials Dashboard

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