For the users consulting Nanosystems’ websites

Users Privacy is essential for Nanosystems S.r.l.; this means, first of all, to ensure that you’re able to know exactly how data are used and collected, for what purpose, and, above all, that you are provided with all relevant information to make the right choice in the use of our websites.

This privacy policy provides information about Personal Data collected by Nanosystems S.r.l. and how these are used through interaction with the following websites;

We wish to inform you that Nanosystems s.r.l., following the principles defined by the Regulation (UE) 2016/679 (also known as GDPR) and by Chapter II, Title I of D.Lgs. 196/2003, as amended by D.Lgs. 101/2018 (“Code regarding personal data protection”) provides for your Personal Data protection while processed; for this reason, processing of personal data will be done in a fair, lawful, transparent way to protect your privacy and your rights.

Personal data controller

Nanosystems S.r.l. with C.F. e VAT No.: IT01085650446 with its registered office at Via del Commercio 76/A-Ascoli Piceno (AP), 63100, Italy, ph. n.: +390736341316/ fax n.: +390736402557; you may contact at any time to receive any further clarification about policies adopted by our company on data protection.

Category of data collected

Navigation data are stored 12 months (except in case of verification of a possible crime from the Judicial Authority).

Data Recipient

Following the completion of the assistance Form that you can find inside the websites, shall be considered recipient of the data colelcted the following entities appointed by Nanosystems as process responsibles following art. 28 of GDPR:

Personal data colelcted are also processed by Nanosystems personnel, who acts on the basis of specific instructions provided on the purpose and on the modality of the process itself.

Purpose of the processing of the collected data

Personal data collected during the connection to the websites will be processed in accordance with the general principles of necessity, fairness, relevance and not surplus and in particular the data processing will occur in order to:

  1. Improve quality of our services;
  2. Answer to questions and provide the information required by the user;
  3. Fulfill contractual obligations;
  4. Send the “NEWSLETTER” to which the user can subscribe;
  5. Follow up possible requests from the Judicial Authority.

Modalities for data processing

Data processing and storage will be carried out with the assistance of informatic tools, in a manner that guarantees the integrity, security and privacy.

Personal Data collected during the navigation will be collected by the Personal Data Controller no more than 12 months from their acquisition, except in case of verification of a possible crime from the Judicial Authority.

Personal Data provided for the purchase of a product shall be processed for the entire duration of the contractual period, as specified in each single policy and, even later, for the maximum 10 years, to fulfill the law; after 10 years, data will be anonymised.

Personal Data collected for tecnical assistance and newsletter subscription will be process in accordance with the their respective privacy policy.

This website and the services provided by the Personal Data Controller are not intended for users minor of 18 years and the personal Data Controller do not collect intentionally personal information related to minors. Should information on minors of 14 years (minimim age to express the consent to personal data processing according to D.Lgs. n. 101/2018) be accidentally registered, the Data Controller will promptly erase them, when the latter becomes aware or by simple request of who exercises the parental authority on such minor.

Exercise of rights by data subject

Following art. 13.2 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, data subject can, at any moment, exercise the following rights: ask the data controller the access to the Personal Data, the rectification, the erasure, the restriction, the objection to processing, the data portability, and to complaint with a supervisory authority.