How to deploy remote desktop software via GPO

Supremo can be distributed on a large scale quickly and easily by configuring a GPO.

In this guide we are going to deploy Supremo parameterised in the “ComputerSupremo” organisational unit. 

Before proceeding, we need to generate the command line from the Supremo Console (to view the guide click here).

and the .mst file (to view the guide click here).

We then create a network share accessible by the clients where we want to deploy Supremo .

in our case we will use \\pdc\MSIPackage; it is important to use the absolute path during the wizard configuration.

We start by placing the PC or group of PCs in question in the organisational unit

We create a new COMPUTER policy starting directly from the ComputerSupremo OU

We edit the policy

We select the supremo.msi file directly from the network share

In order for the customisation via MST file to be carried out, we need to select Advanced

We select the .mst file directly from the network share

We remove “Authenticated Users” as the policy is for COMPUTER in this case

We add the PC or group of PCs on which we want Supremo to be deployed:

At this point we can connect to the client and verify that the policy has been applied with the command “gpresult / r /scope computer

Now, on the Supremo Console we can see the PC on which Supremo has been deployed via the GPO policy:

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