How to: install XAMPP on your PC and run your own webserver

XAMPP – acronym for Cross-Platform, Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl – is a widely adopted Apache distribution used to locally host and test websites.

It’s available as a unique installation package for Windows and other platforms. You can download the package from the official site.

XAMPP is a powerful tool in the hands of a web developer.

The installation procedure is quite simple, just double-click on the installer and follow these steps.

If you have UAC enabled – and we hope so – remember to install XAMPP inside the folder C:\xampp. Anyway the installer suggest to do so:

Install and use XAMPP to test websites

The installation wizard is really dummy-proof:

Install and use XAMPP to test websites

Install and use XAMPP to test websites

Install and use XAMPP to test websites

Install and use XAMPP to test websites

Install and use XAMPP to test websites

Install and use XAMPP to test websites

Install and use XAMPP to test websites

After the completion of the installation you’ll be able to launch the XAMPP Control Panel. From this interface you can enable and disable the various services:

Install and use XAMPP to test websites

In order to host a website – for example, a WordPress CMS – you need to run Apache and MySQL. On Windows 8 and higher Apache won’t run on port 80 because the system is already using it. An error will pop-up:

Install and use XAMPP to test websites

Click on the Config button and select Apache (httpd.conf):

Install and use XAMPP to test websites

Look for the Listen: 80 row and change the value with 8080. Save and go back to the XAMPP Control Panel:

Install and use XAMPP to test websites

Start the Apache service:

Install and use XAMPP to test websites

Open your browser and specify the address or localhost:8080/xampp, you’ll be able to access the XAMPP web interface:

Install and use XAMPP to test websites

In order to deploy a brand new website, put it inside the path C:\xampp\htdocs\website_name

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