How to: convert a VM from ESXi (vSphere) to Hyper-V

It’s not a secret that Microsoft is investing money and resources on Hyper-V to close the gap with VMware ESXi (vSphere platform).

Today Hyper-V is a stable and solid virtualization product even if lacks many features ESXi has. Performing a virtual machine conversion from vSphere to Hyper-V is really easy thanks to the efforts of a company called 5nine.

5nine V2V Easy Converter is a powerful software capable to convert your virtual machines after a quick configuration. Let’s see how to use it.

The first step is to download the free version Easy Converter from this page (a registration is required) and install it.

Now launch Easy Converter and specify the IP address and the access credentials of the ESXi hypervisor:

convert a vm from esxi to hyper-v

Select the virtual machine to convert. Easy Converter may ask you to consolidate the vm snapshots before performing the operation:

convert a vm from esxi to hyper-v

Configure the new Hyper-V virtual machine and click on Next:

convert a vm from esxi to hyper-v

Specify the IP address of the Hyper-V server then click on Assess:

convert a vm from esxi to hyper-v

Specify the access credentials of an administrator:

convert a vm from esxi to hyper-v

Select the host:

convert a vm from esxi to hyper-v

Check the paths and select the network adapter you want to use:

convert a vm from esxi to hyper-v

Easy Converter will ask you to specify a path for the temporary folder:

convert a vm from esxi to hyper-v

Check the summary and click on Finish. The conversion will begin:

convert a vm from esxi to hyper-v

After the conversion your new Hyper-V VM will be ready to be run.

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