How to create a package using Docker

When we talk about packages, we generally refer to scalable aggregated blocks of software or libraries. In fact, a package can be used by multiple applications by importing or extending the package itself.

Docker is a tool that will make your life as a developer easier. We are talking about an open-source project that can automate the deployment of applications inside software containers; in essence, a platform that will enable you to create, test and distribute applications via containers. (more…)

How to deploy with Docker

Docker is a platform that provides a virtualisation system on which you can run programs in packages called containers.

Containers are isolated from each other and comprise all required software resources, including the operating system, thus enabling the application to run.

Deploy Docker: Deploy an application with Docker using Docker Image

To deploy an application with Docker, you must first have an image available. (more…)

How to install Docker: a mini practical guide

Installing Docker on your machine to create a development environment is really a very simple operation. Let’s see how to install it on Windows, Mac and Ubuntu.

How to install Docker: Windows, Mac and Ubuntu

In this mini-guide, we shall see how to install Docker on Windows, Mac and Ubuntu. (more…)

What is Docker and how this valuable tool works

Docker is the platform that has revolutionised the way we build, test, and deploy our applications. Why? Because thanks to Docker – the open-source software for containerization in Linux environments – we can distribute and fine-tune the resources for our applications in any environment. (more…)